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이베이 오늘의 딜
the old magic of Magic may be there when using just the pre-built decks of the Commander format (no duplicate cards save for the basic resource cards (basic lands)). We have a small...
MetaFilter | Community Weblog | https://www.metafilter.com/
Despite having a shitload of old cards that are worth a lot now, it's just so hard for me... game of EDH (what the kids these days call Commander) to join as well. There are older...
MetaFilter | Community Weblog | https://www.metafilter.com/
Magic. Nicklaus vs. Palmer. Contrasting styles, which, when brought together in head-to... All my custom apps were wiped out, of course (because the restore process that installs the 1....
Daring Fireball | https://daringfireball.net/
out the oddball windows in the new Fireworks beta from Adobe. Custom close/minimize/zoom... to cards. Think of yourself as an ordinary mechanic given the task of reverse-engineering a...
Daring Fireball | https://daringfireball.net/
It’s not about repurposing old software, it’s about writing everything from scratch (because you want to take advantage of the awesome potential of the new computers and the new...
Daring Fireball | https://daringfireball.net/
1966 Prediction of the Home Computer ★ “What the wife selects on her console will be... credit cards, drivers license, retailer discount cards — with digital versions stored on...
Daring Fireball | https://daringfireball.net/
the privacy of people. ‘Things Change’ ★ Jim Coudal breaks the news: The Deck network... ton of money — and the world changed in ways that made Adobe leadership believe this...
Daring Fireball | https://daringfireball.net/
StretchGuy game 0 war.of.islands game 0 ru.galya.drawjoust game 0 game.bubble.shooter.dragon.pop game 0 com.candywriter.bitlife game 0 com.muscle.rush game 0 com.superbox.aos.fire2048...
꼼꼼한 블로그 - 꼼꼼한 블로그 | https://jimnong.tistory.com/
play Commander (EDH) these days, because I don't like the money-sink aspect and Netrunner... from Magic's history. Many of the old cards are pretty expensive now because of restricted...
MetaFilter | Community Weblog | https://www.metafilter.com/
The mysterious sources, sources as of old Nile, that fed the duck-pond had no magic for them. They were unaware of Indians, nor recked they anything of bisons or of pirates (with...
브람스를 좋아하세요... | blog.naver.com/oopen2
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