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무선 고음질 스피커 AIR-X 스리즈

2014 브리스톨 사운드&비전에 나왔던 독일 스피커 전문회사에서 엑락이 무선 액티브 스피커 시스템을 공개 했다.

국내는 미출시 제품이고 사운드가 압도적인듯 하네요... 와우.. 땡겨라~

Audiophile & Wireless

Totally free but always connected. Incredible detail that doesn‘t compromise the overall musical performance. High-end sound with a serious fun factor.
Break free – stay connected: ELAC AIR-X


AIR-X 407:
Audiophile & Wireless

In any position, the AIR-X 407 exceeds expectations … with ease. It is a passionate
performer that delights in revealing every musical nuance. With huge dynamic
reserves on tap, it‘s also a perfect choice for larger rooms.

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